Our company providesheat treatment of welded joints not only in our country either abroad. This time we did off-furnace volume heat treatment of gas splitter GS-1 weight of 49.5 tons within territory of our Customer in Republic of Kazakhstan.
Heat treatment was provided by specialists of GK "Repair Technologies", certified to provide this type of work. Off-furnace volume heat treatment of tank consist of heating of inner part of tank by combustion products of liquid (diesel) fuel, which was got by special burners. Wherein whole body In this case, the entire body of product is exposed to heating according to high tempering mode. This means, all joints of tank are treated.
Structure changes of steel happens in whole product due to volume heat treatment. This process consist of heating up to 580-620 gedrees with preassigned temperature, dwell (2h 15min) and colling in special conditions. Heating provides in technology of high tempering to decrease welding stress, to increase corrosion resistance and explotation reliability of product.
We use reliable equipment of our manufacture for work. We control process with not only visual way either special devices for control and registration temperature during whole process of heat treatment (in this case we use automatic self-writer and thermal imager), that give to us ability to control heat treatment process competently and achieve desired results.
Work have been produced in compliance with all technical and technological requirements for off-furnace volume heat treatment realization.