The leader of the nuclear industry in Russia, a branch of the AEM-technology company in Volgodonsk produces various equipment for the nuclear industry, including steam generators of nuclear power plants. In their production, heat treatment of welded joints is necessary.
Welded joints of the collectors are subjected to low-temperature heat treatment to a temperature of 450 degrees. Moreover, the main difficulty in performing this heat treatment is that the welds are located asymmetrically relative to the axis of the apparatus, which, if improperly prepared, can lead to temperature distortions.
Our company "Repair Technologies" has already supplied several sets of equipment for performing low-temperature heat treatment of such welded joints. To ensure quality, multichannel heat treatment plants (thermal posts) are used. However, this number of thermocouples is not enough for reliable control, therefore, the kit includes additional temperature registers in the appropriate amount.
Heat treatment of welds is carried out by the forces of the customer.