Equipment for local and volumetric PWHT (heat treatment of welded joints)

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With heat treatment welded joints of pipelines, it is often necessary to use the prescriptive document RTM-1c. The full and correct name of this guidance document is RD 153-34.1-003-01 "Welding, heat treatment and control of pipe systems and pipelines during installation and repair of power equipment".

The prescriptive document defines the technology for assembly and welding operations, heat treatment of welded pipe joints, as well as the volume and procedure for monitoring and standards for assessing the quality of welded joints; it covers all types of welding used in the installation and repair of power equipment and pipe systems of boilers and pipelines.

These RD are intended for personnel, involved in the installation and repair of equipment and pipelines of power plants and heating boilers, also for manufactured pipelines (with a working pressure of up to 2.2 MPa and a temperature less than 425 °C) and individual elements of boilers. The RD was approved by Ministry of Energy of Russia order the dated 02.07.01 No. 197 and is being enforced from 01.01.2002 It is an effect of the present invention. RD 34.15.027–93 “Welding, heat treatment and control of pipe systems and pipelines during installation and repair of power plant equipment (RTM-1c - 93).

The requirements for heat treatment are indicated in Section 17, where it is said that heat treatment of welded joints by pipelines inducing electric and industrial (50 Hz) and medium (up to 8000 Hz) frequencies, as well as by radiation - electric resistance heaters (including combined actions) and gas-flame burners

The same section also says that the local heat treatment of welded pipe joints includes power sources (heating), heater itself, a device for the temperature control and heating modes of the joint, connecting cables and wires.

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